Friday, February 1, 2013

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Raw Ground beef
  (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Sometimes when an Amish or Mennonite family in this area is in need, their local community holds benefit dinners which often feature these "haystacks." The components offered differ from dinner to dinner and with the seasons. It is sort of like a De-constructed taco salad, But I like them much better.

Traditional Haystack

2 lbs lean ground beef
1 (1 1/4 ounce) package taco seasoning mix
1 (14 ounce) jar spaghetti sauce
2 cups saltines, crushed
2 -3 cups tortilla chips, crushed
2 cups cooked rice
1 head iceberg lettuce, chopped fine
2 cups tomatoes, diced
1 cup carrot, chopped
1 cup green onion, chopped
1 cup sliced ripe olives
1 cup red pepper, diced
1 cup celery, diced
1 1/2 cups cheddar cheese, shredded
1 cup cooked bacon, crumbled
1 cup sunflower seeds
1 (11 ounce) jar salsa
Italian salad dressing (optional)


Brown the ground beef with the taco seasoning in a skillet over medium-high heat.
Add the spaghetti sauce and simmer until the meat is cooked through and the liquid evaporates.
Don't crush the saltines or tortilla chips too finely.
Place all ingredients in individual serving bowls.
Each person can make their own "haystack". The traditional order for layering is lettuce, crushed crackers and chips, meat mixture, rice, each of the veggies, cheese, bacon, sunflower seeds, and salsa (plus Italian dressing if added).

I like my haystack, in addition to the ingredients above, to include spaghetti and cheddar cheese sauce.

The Old Guy
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